Sunday, July 19, 2009

Emily is home!

Em got to go home today. She is doing great. Still tired and a little weak, but overall feeling good and in no pain! This was the easiest hospital visit and recovery for her so far. Thank you so much for thinking of her!


Membership Required said...

So glad she is home and doing well.

Dani said...

That is great news!

Membership Required said...

How are things going for Emily and your family. I have my surgery on November 17th downtown.

littleDub said...

do you still get comments left here? Been wondering how you and the kids are doing...

- littlewilson

Kimberly said...

Hey there! I do still get comments here. I'm just too busy to blog. You can find me on Facebook though. Kimberly Benyak. Hope you're doing well!